Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Rasmussen Poll...

"Rasmussen Poll Finds Little Support for Net Regs"
By John Eggerton
Published December 28, 2010

"According to a just-released Rasmussen Report, only 21% of the respondents want the FCC to regulate the Internet."

"'American voters believe free market competition will protect Internet users more than government regulation and fear that regulation will be used to push a political agenda,' said Rasmussen of its national telephone survey."

"In the poll, 54% opposed regulating the Internet along with other media, while 25% weren't sure."

"According to the poll, 56% of the voters believed the FCC would use its Internet authority to promote a political agenda, with only 28% saying it would regulate it in an unbiased manner. A majority (55%) said they thought the FCC should regulate radio and TV."

"Rasmussen surveyed 1,000 likely voters Dec. 23. The margin of error is plus-or-minus 3%, with a 95% level of confidence."

Just like me, it appears that many Americans don't have much trust for the government and their ability to use regulatory power appropriately.

While it has been asserted that the enforcement of net neutrality legislation will only help to enable a more even playing-ground for all Internet users, the actual fact-of-the-matter is that with more government regulations comes more bureaucracy, and with more bureaucracy comes greater suppression of the voice of the people. 

Right now it seems as if our government is out of control, and tone-deaf to the voice of the people. They operate in a shady manner, and have continued to pass legislation that is unwanted by the popular majority of American citizens.

I guess since net neutrality has now passed in the FCC by a vote of 3 to 2, we'll have to see what's in store for the Internet of the future.

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